The Sims 4 - Drifter Challenge: Proposal & Marriage (House 002)

Wednesday, September 14, 2016
That evening after Parker built a structure and had an afternoon first sleep in the tent, he invited the pizza girl, Jaycee, to hang out. They started off with flirting.

Parker blew Jaycee a kiss.

They had their first kiss.

Parker asked the question and Jaycee agreed to be his girlfriend.

Parker's brother, Parnell, came over the next morning while he was eating. They had not met since Parker moved out so he had to accept his presence and hang out with him.

They went fishing to reminisce the memories of going fishing together with their parents when Parker was still living with them. As they were fishing, Jaycee was walking towards the house.

Parker excused himself and went to flirt with his girlfriend.

With Parnell nearby and looking, Parker decided to propose.

Jaycee agreed to the marriage.

The three of them went fishing together. As they were fishing, another family member came to visit. It was Parker's mother, Kathleen.

When Parker stopped fishing to go meet his mom, Jaycee also stopped fishing and went to relax in the tent.

Jaycee joined the conversation after she had enough relaxation.

Since Parker had no money for a wedding and his mom was here, he decided to tie the knot at the patio where they had been chatting with his mom as witness.

Parker and Jaycee are married and she can move in.

As a married couple, Parker and Jaycee progressed further and went on to produce their little one. Look out for my next post for the nooboo!

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