The Sims 4 - Drifter Challenge: Family Campfire & Fishing (House 002)

Friday, September 23, 2016
A guilty Parker decided to spend the final night and morning together as a family after making Jaycee and Peppino go through all those hardships with him at Granite Falls and neglecting them most of their time there to complete the mission.

They gathered around the campfire warming their hands and enjoyed the heat.

Parker told a few campfire stories.

A bear came to chat and entertain them.

Parker roasted food as Jaycee watched and Peppino continued warming his hands. 

Parker made sure all of them had a good rest in the tent and the next morning, they spent the last few hours of their time there fishing together.

The mission at Granite Falls isn't completed yet, so they will be back for more camping and hardships but they will have a few better days at home first before continuing the tough days on the mission.

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