The Sims 4 - Drifter Challenge: Love For Peppino (House 002)

Friday, September 16, 2016
It is great that Jaycee autonomously takes care of Peppino. Seeing how loving Jaycee is towards Peppino, Parker was relieve that he could let Jaycee stay home with Peppino while he spend most of his time in Sylvan Glade fishing.

Knowing Peppino will take over his legacy, leave home and be homeless when he ages into a young adult, Parker didn't want his son to grow up without a proper home. Peppino will not remember much as a baby but he will not be so oblivious to things as a child, so Parker wants to have the house as complete as possible by the time Peppino ages up into a child.

Parker was feeling a mess but he didn't want to waste time making a trip home and back, so he took a moodlet solver.

Parker spent almost two days fishing in Sylvan Glade relying on that moodlet solver.

Parker returned home after the two days to be with his wife and baby. While they were sleeping, Peppino cries woke them up and Parker offered to attend to his needs. With the money Parker had earned since Jaycee became his girlfriend till the two days at Sylvan Glade, the house expanded and they can finally sleep on a bed.

In the morning, Parker tended his garden which was another motive for going home.

The last motive for going home was Peppino's birthday. It was his birthday when Parker returned home last night. In the morning Parker took care of his needs for the last time before he aged up. 

Now that Peppino is a child, the most adventurous moment in Parker's life is about to begin - the mission. He took out the book which his mom, Kathleen, gave to him out of his bag.

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