The Sims 4 - Tiny Living Challenge: Moving In (Chapter 1.1)

Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Toby and Katie McCann has just moved into their tiny house, embarking on the challenge to live tiny. Although they come from families that can afford to live in a normal sized house, they are doing this to be with each other.

Toby and Katie have known each other since high school and have been dating since then. However, due to rejection from their parents, they kept their relationship a secret. When they decided to get married after graduating from university, they told their parents the truth that despite the disapproval during high school, they continued to date each other. Thinking that now they are adults, their parents will approve of their relationship but they were wrong. Their relationship continued to be dispproved. No matter how much Toby and Katie had pleaded, their parents ignored.

Their parents had a firm stand but Toby and Katie were also firm with their decision. They decided that they are going to go along with the marriage no matter whether their parents approve or not. When they told this news to their parents, all four parents got into a rage and told them that if they insist on getting married, they have to leave the family.

For Toby and Katie, love weighs more than family and so with little money and possessions, they moved out of their family home into a tiny house at an island in Windenburg which is the most they could afford.

Since both Toby and Katie loves the outdoors, it doesn't matter to them that their house is only 5x5 because most of their time will be spend outdoors. Even embracing each other is done outside their house.

Besides loving outdoors, Katie is creative, a muser and an art lover. Her aspiration is painter extraodinaire. She earns money by selling the paintings that she has done.

As for Toby, he's active, a bro and a collector. His aspiration is angling ace, so he loves fishing and makes money by selling the fishes that he caught.

Katie was painting when Toby was fishing and after doing a few paintings, Katie decided to go look for Toby. Just as she arrives, Toby caught his first fish.

While Toby continued to fish, Katie decided to cloudgaze.

When Toby decided to stop fishing because he was hungry, both of them went back into the house and ate the salad that Katie made.

After filling their hunger, Toby went back to fishing and Katie followed him. Near to where Toby had been fishing, there is a bonfire and Katie decided to light it up.

She warmed her hands and enjoyed the heat for a little while Toby fished.

Toby came to join in later and they cozy up.

Then they danced and that's how they enjoyed their first night on the island. They are happy to be out there on the island living in a tiny house, even though they are faced with the possibility of forever not being able to return to their family home and see their parents.

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